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Great white shark cage diving. Guadalupe Island, B.C. Mexico.
Great white shark cage diving. Guadalupe Island, B.C. Mexico.

Who am I

I’m Matt Calcagno. A Certified Financial Planner® and advisor at One Degree Advisors where I specialize in helping people retire early (a.k.a, make work optional and create financial freedom).

I am also a:

  • Writer
  • Content Creator
  • Entrepreneur

My passion is helping people maximize their retirement income, save on taxes, and design a custom strategy that gives them the confidence to pursue what they truly love.

Unlike traditional financial advisors, I believe that financial planning is not a singular event or financial product; it's an ongoing, dynamic process that needs to adapt as your life evolves.

You don’t have the time nor do you want to have to learn about taxes, investing, estate planning, the best accounts to use, etc. Your time is best spent doing what matters most to you.

This is why I am here to help.

What I’m working on

  1. I am a Certified Financial Planner ™ at One Degree Advisors, a wealth management firm based in San Diego, Ca.
  2. I recently created a YouTube channel where I publish weekly videos to help educate people on personal finance.
  3. On this website, I write articles and guides to help you make smart money decisions. I also share daily insights on Twitter. Feel free to say Hi!

Who is the right fit for my planning approach?

  • Individual and couples:
    • Household income > $200k
    • Or investable assets > $750k
    • Want financial independence or early retirement

In my free time

When I’m not perfecting financial plans, you can find me traveling with my wife, searching for the next best California burrito, or training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Favorite podcasts

  • Business: Founders Podcast
  • Industry: Michael Kitces
  • Fun: Animal Spirits

Favorite books

  • Business: The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel
  • Industry: The Behavior Gap - Carl Richards
  • Fun: Can’t Hurt Me - David Goggins

Say hi! Twitter or Linkedin

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© 2023 Matt Calcagno
Made with Super & Notion
All content and opinions expressed on this site is for general informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. This content is only intended to provide information and education about the financial markets and financial planning strategies. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor.