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How to Determine If You Can (Actually) Afford a Home Right Now
January 1, 2023

How to Determine If You Can (Actually) Afford a Home Right Now

The dead simple truth about whether you can afford a home right now comes down to these three questions.

How to Invest like Albert Einstein
October 11, 2022

How to Invest like Albert Einstein

You can ā€œinvestā€ like Albert Einstein you follow his simple formula: Time + Consistency + Discipline.

What Experts are Saying About the 2022 Housing Market
July 18, 2022

What Experts are Saying About the 2022 Housing Market

The 2022 Housing Market is coming off a long pandemic boom. Here is what experts have to sayā€¦

How the Fed Increasing Interest Rates Affects Your Financial Plan
July 8, 2022

How the Fed Increasing Interest Rates Affects Your Financial Plan

How Rising Federal Interest rates have an impact on your financial plan in 2022.

10 Rules to Live by During Bear Markets
May 31, 2022

10 Rules to Live by During Bear Markets

Here are 10 small (but powerful) investing rules that you can use in a bear market, no matter how ugly, to build wealth for the long term.

If You Have Restricted Stock Units, Here are 5 Ways to Reduce Your Tax Bill (2023)
July 18, 2023

Restricted Stock Units (RSUs): How to Reduce Your RSU Tax Bill 2023

Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) have rules, restrictions, and important tax implications. Here are some strategies to reduce your tax bill in 2023.

Will Crypto Survive the Next Decade?
April 21, 2022

Will Crypto Survive the Next Decade?

To say Crypto seems like the wild west is an understatement... Will this bizarre phenomenon be another fad or will it survive the next decade?

How to Survive a Bear Market in Your 20s | What Experts Say
March 24, 2022

How to Survive a Bear Market in Your 20s | What Experts Say

Investing is a long-term game, and building wealth requires compounding. Understanding how to survive a bear market in your 20s will give you a major strategic advantage.

Advantages of a Simple Investment Strategy
February 1, 2022

Advantages of a Simple Investment Strategy

Building wealth can be simple. It doesn't require superior skill, unlimited resources, or a 160 IQ. Here are some advantages of a simple investment strategy.

Inflation in 2021: 3 Habits to Avoid
November 24, 2021

Inflation in 2021: 3 Habits to Avoid

Inflation in 2021: I've consolidated a list of 3 of the most common habits to avoid during an inflationary environment.

5 Lessons for Young Founders on Building Wealth
August 15, 2023

5 Lessons for Young Founders on Building Wealth

Here are 5 timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness for young professionals to explore.

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Ā© 2023 Matt Calcagno


Made with Super & Notion


All content and opinions expressed on this site is for general informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. This content is only intended to provide information and education about the financial markets and financial planning strategies. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor.